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April 20, 2021 4 min read 2 Comments

Yoga Nidra literally translates to yogic sleep, a state between wakefulness and dream. It helps you tap into higher consciousness, allowing us to explore a deep sleep state where our minds, bodies, and senses can completely relax and go deeper into ourselves. When you are awake, your conscious mind is always active, but in a state of yoga Nidra, your conscious mind becomes passive, and your subconscious and unconscious mind comes alive. This quietens the brain down and opens you up to the healing process. When the mind is still with complete awareness, creativity and intuition awaken.


This pink Nidra eye pillow is made from silk

Rejuvenates the body

Yoga Nidra helps the body to go into a state of deep relaxation. Over time, in this state, you can experience the bodily functions slowing down and the hormonal activity increasing. This gives the body the much-needed window to reduce fatigue, expel toxins and rejuvenate.

Reduces stress

In our daily lives, we often try to control people, situations and outcomes. Our inability to do so causes stress. Stress, if not managed, can cause ailments within us, both physical and mental. Continuous pressure drains our energy and reduces our capacity to think. Regular practice of Yoga Nidra makes us privy to the the root cause of stress. With increased awareness, you can let go of things that are beyond your control.

Improves concentration

With social media and digital devices, the attention span of humans has now reduced to 8 seconds, which is less than that of a goldfish! The practice of Yoga Nidra compels you to stay in one place and time. Every time the mind wanders, the voice of the instructor pulls you back to the present. With regular practice, you can experience increased awareness of your body and senses and learn to stay in the moment and be present.

Enhance your creativity

Regular practice of Yoga Nidra allows you to be in a state of heightened consciousness. A state of no conditioning or limitations but pure awareness, stimulating both the right and the left hemisphere of our brain. Creativity springs from this state of deep consciousness as we can break out of old familiar patterns and explore new contexts and meaning. 

Frequently asked questions about yoga nidra

All our eye pillows have a flax seed filling infused with lavender

1. Is Yoga Nidra same as Shavasana?

Savasana is a pose in a lying down position that allows the body to relax. Yoga Nidra, on the other hand, is a guided meditation practice that is done in Savasana. During this practice, the body should be completely still and relaxed; props can ease any discomfort in the body.

2. Does it need to be done every day?

It should be done every day, preferably at the same time and place, to prepare the body and mind to receive the benefits.  

3. Can Yoga Nidra cure Insomnia?

Regular practice of Yoga Nidra can relieve Insomnia by allowing you to disengage from your thoughts and go deeper into your subconsciousness. It can be done lying on the bed around sleep time.

4. How do I NOT fall asleep during Yoga Nidra?

If you observe you tend to fall asleep while practicing, raise one forearm off the floor to be awake during the practice.

5. If my mind wanders during the practice, do I need to start again?

The mind might not be aware of all the instructions throughout, which is fine; look at it as exploring different states of consciousness during the practice. Use an eye pillow during the practice, to help relax the eyes, eases any tension in the muscles around the eyes keep light away.

6. Can Yoga Nidra replace sleep?

It can be done during the day instead of a power nap. You will wake up refreshed and energised.

7. How long should I practice Yoga Nidra?

The practice can vary between 10 minutes to 45 minutes, depending on your time and how often you practice. You can start slow and then increase the time as you progress. 

8. Can I use incense during this time?

Nothing too strong that might cause distraction from your practice; good ventilation is essential to Yoga Nidra.

9. Is it ok to put on music while practicing?

Music is like white noise just in the background, nothing which is distracting you from your practice

10. What can I wear while practicing Yoga Nidra?

Wear comfortable and breathable clothing and remove all accessories like watch and spectacles.

About Fareena the yoga teacher


Fareena started her journey 14 years ago on the roof of her apartment. Having learned under Mr Shiva Kumar for 4 years, she trained at the Bihar school of yoga for 5 months, immersed in the yogic lifestyle and philosophy.

From sharing yoga door to door to running her own studio Fery's Yoga in Hyderabad, and conducting workshops in the City, she's one of the most sought out teachers in the City.

 Fareena completed her 200 hrs TTC in Rishikesh and moved to Rishikesh in September 2019, moving on to teach yoga at Ananda in the Himalayas for a year. She now teaches online independently and is starting a group session on May 3rd.  Every Thursday, you will have the opportunity to experience 20 minutes of meditation after a dynamic asana practice.

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 Check out a 10 minute preview of a Yoga Nidra Class with Fareena.

Sign up on our website to unlock the full 30 minute free Yoga Nidra session by Fareena.

2 Responses


October 29, 2022

We value this activity since it allows us to release tension, which is a typical problem that many people are concerned about. They should take these suggestions into mind in order to live a happy life. I, too, recommend Ashwagandha gummies for stress relief.

Sumidha Butta
Sumidha Butta

August 09, 2021

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